Posted on 30th September 2023

I have to say I feel sick in my stomach.  Is it really possible that Donald Duck, as Chris Christie the former Governor of New Jersey has dubbed him because he has ducked the primary debates, will become the Republican candidate for the Presidency?  They always say that in any story featuring dodgy characters you should follow the money, or in Donald Duck’s case the lack of it.  Now he is seen, naked, the image of which is in itself nauseating,  he and his appalling sons have defrauded banks and insurance companies of millions of dollars by over inflating the value of their assets.  This in a sense is hardly a surprise.  Trump is the ultimate narcissist with an overweening sense of his own worth.  Not only does he lie about the actual size of his gaudy emporium at Trump Tower, but then grossly inflates its value.  Everything about Trump is ultimately fake.  The questionable billionaire’s wealth is seen to be worth a great deal less than he perceives it to be and his ability to continue trading in New York may be stopped in its tracks by the cancellation of his business certificates.  Trump is, of course, enraged, saying his “civil rights have been violated” and that the Judge is “deranged”.  It is far too early to judge what kind of an effect this will have on his candidacy but it will definitely impact on his ego.  He is no longer the man he has spent decades selling.  Instead, he can be painted as the type he despises, a loser.  So if support for Trump starts to wane do they have an alternative?  As Governor de Santis of Florida continues to disappoint, former Governor and UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, has started to find favour amongst that most crucial class of supporters, Republican donors.  She has a distinct advantage over both Donald Trump and the President, she is only 51 years of age.

Biden’s age is clearly an issue.  A Wall Street Journal poll found that 73% of voters felt he was too old to seek a second term.  He doesn’t help his case with a series of gaffes.  For example, when at a recent press conference in Hanoi, he said “ I don’t know about you, but I’m going to bed”,  his Press Secretary quickly cut the mic.  Recently an official mused “ He is in a period of his life where passing and death is imminent”.  Naturally in these circumstances, attention focuses on the next in line, Kamala Harris.  Her approval rating at 33% is even worse than the President’s.  Some people are thinking the unthinkable, prevailing on Biden to stand down, but then you are stuck with Harris.  It is a right mess and starting to genuinely unsettle a growing number of Americans.  Whether this mood will force a radical solution, God knows, but something has to give for all our sakes.

The view of Slane Castle from the hill